Monday, February 25, 2019

overlaid, overburdened, overdetermined, overdeveloped, undermined, laid waste

i was thinking of art as sanctuary, and as foray into the world as it is, fucked up, full of fire, fury and money wars. this show in michigan popped up on my screen, a wall of postcards overlaid with apocalyptic visions that are not biblical, but eerily reminiscent. like whoa, we have been here before, it's always been fucked up, and before god there were a lot of them and we blamed different gods on different disasters, or vice versa, and then we got one god or three, and all disasters were subsumed into the human, even though each god had a different currency. so we got currency but no agency and no representation except stuff like e pluribus or god we trust obomba or the all-seeing eye on the pyramid scheme. art too is all about the money, sotheby's selling works that may have paid some hunger artist starvation wages for millions. all life is struggle, but when in hell are we going to stop paying for war while we desperately struggle for money to destroy everything once given us by no man's god for free?

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