Saturday, September 23, 2017

Transcendence and Impermanence. they remind me of other things, love and hate on the knuckles of night of the hunter, manacles, words on the body, the gradual covering, the map of life that becomes the skin, the impermanent permanence of tattoos, the need for reminders, the script where the cut might be, one hand washing another, the possibility of reconciliation with death, the acceptance of imbalance, the continual to and fro, the vacillation of the mind, the tide, the ebb, the flow, the drift of the body, toward forgetting, away in memory, toward dissolution, to a secret integration, what can't be written, in between the hands and the heart, the head floating like a heavy flower on the vertical sea of the wandering body, the fixing of impermanence in ink, in pixels, the atomizing heaven, the burying earth. the water on the crumbling shore.
the love of everything we know is leaving. 

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