Saturday, May 23, 2015

the other day i read about russia saying they owned the arctic, then i read about the u.s. navy playing war games there, and today i read about war games in american states like texas and utah, with blackhawks and missiles. war is coming to the homeland.

and i saw 7 goslings in the ruins of the wooded isle lagoons. on the islets i found a tiny beaver skull, and they were already planting stuff even though nothing has been really modified much as far as i can see, except the extreme modification of the erasure of the resident invasive species, including swathes of pesticide/herbicide. look at mother nature on the run in the war on species.

i also read that perhaps the obomba museum of empire may be sited in washington park rather than jackson, which may men life will continue in some form for the wooded island habitues, if they can survive.

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