Tuesday, August 27, 2013

well, not a disaster, well yes, a disaster. but good comes with disasters and who knows what the lie of human progress and the art of life might make in the macabre dance marathon we are in.
but what i started to say is i don't know how i come across suspended between the virtual and the real, between the unknowns of blog and the little knowns of terra infirma. i get qualms about my behavior, slaps of wrist, intimations of doom, intimations of madness, quilt, and guilt. perhaps if i keep going i will care less and less how i'm perceived and and then just be relative and free.
but for now i'm in a bit of a sticky wicket. after copper and barney my ears hurt and the flesh eating flies i'm convinced are government agents, are feasting on our consciousness, our freedom, our blood and flesh. doesn't that sound like our government? think about it.  but don't think too long. just be here now.

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