Thursday, June 24, 2021

 i found a round speaker in the water thinking it was a ball, put it in my shoulder bag. we walked the beach and the rock wall and i heard a bom-bom sound and i looked around wondering if somebody was in the bushes. it seemed like the sound was coming from everywhere and nowhere and then i realized it was coming from my bag. i couldn't turn it off so i threw it out. that indicates the cloudy condition of my head today but again nothing bad happened and i had three peaceful lovely walks without getting wet. people must be feeling hopeless, people who care. i can feel the hopelessness out there. people must get so tired of the system of power not representing them and using them to wage war for profit and kill in their names. people will cease believing freedom depends on killing other people and taking their natural resources when they see that the same system kills it's own people and takes their resources and that there's no end to it but self-destruction. people will finally want to live and let live.

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