Thursday, May 27, 2021

so r. just told me we forgot a year ago yesterday mister passed away. i'm fine saying died, but i like the sound of passed away, it rhymes. for the present i can't post his picture here, though i'll try again, and if it fails i put one on instagram. we've been soul distracted trying to stay fed and watered and heal, and it's been such a hard year. mister so long, it hasn't been long at all, a year like this, so long. the picture with you in case you can't see, i have the same hair, the same glasses, though looser-hinged and falling readily, and the same down jacket, albeit worn out. i want to wear everything the same as with you, until it disintegrates, until i disintegrate, like the favorite clothes do, this body, these bodies, that pass, i know it's crazy, but where did you go? though no energy is ever wasted even what fails, you never failed me and i never failed you. there was a lunar eclipse the year to the day after you died, elsewhere, not here, here was a full moon, though we couldn't find it, and if we had perhaps that moment illuminated laying in bed sleepless and mooning we would have remembered not to forget to make an homage to you, dear dear mister. only you know and i know how i miss you.

no, i can't picture mister here, i regret to say. i'm not in control of this thing. oh wait, her comes mister now!

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