Monday, September 28, 2020

what about fear? where does it come from, what is it about? nebulous but impactful, real as a climate and as brutal and diffuse. it can be about anything that comes with the prevailing wind.

this book true story is all about fear i think, how it grabs you and how you spend the rest of your time trying to grab it. in the long run it's all about time management, waste of time savings, time fear, fear defending the insinuation of fear, the influence flu, at large, epidemic influx, climate fear, state of organized fear pandemic. 

clearly you can't go back to childhood, man, you never left, in a sense, that's where you go when you zone out. it's not just fear, it's what is held in suspense, inhered, feared.


it starts with identifying your fear. fear is constantly rationalizing itself. fear doesn't want to leave. it tries to convince us that we need it. it tries to convince us that, if we let down our guard, something horrible will happen. yes, giving up fear is actually another thing we are afraid of! stupid, right?

TRUE STORY                                                                                                                                                                                             kate reed petty

by the end i was annoyed by true story though.


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