Tuesday, September 15, 2020

we just saw my octopus teacher—enchanting. the octopus was so smart and creative, and the man and the octopus together—heart-melting. i wanted to be them. my life is far different, but i'm glad we can be viewers into other realms. one of the things that has haunted me is when i caught killed and ate an octopus many years ago. i felt it then but the feeling gets more haunting with time. such a magical creature i killed and ate. though i have eaten many others before i stopped eating animals, that one was alive and glowing, pulsing and moving omni-directionally in my hands. that beautiful animal could have been my friend. and an octopus only lives a year. all that life in a year. time must be relative, and continuous, the octopus regenerates its own lost body parts and the octopus has been alive millions of years. the octopus will outlive us though she only lives a year.
in this realm, so far removed in space and time—which also has its unique urban fauna and fascinations, i'm thankful for the dogs, and the inland sea. whatever realm we live in let us try to be part of it and not just visitors.
i've thought my life may be prolonged, and mister's too short, but he lived 12 octopus lives, and i've lived 60, and all of us have lived a span immeasurable by time.

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