Saturday, September 19, 2020

it's more of a lawless police state than an open society. nonetheless life on earth is eggcellent as we know. was freedom always paradoxical. was rule always abzurd? likely, yes. we saw the cordillera of dreams last night (it was a hair light new moon, just at sundown, like a white cat whisker). it is the 3rd in a trilogy by patrizio guzman. these are beautiful film meditations. he puts his inner life on film, and combines it with his deep connection to the mountains and the country he's exiled from: chile. there is not much i can say other than see.
all three, and then wait like me for the next one. one thing that really hit home this time, watching the coup d'état on september 11 1973. we had our own, on the same date, and the coincidence is that it became the status quo there, as it has here, though dissent still happens and is still repressed by any means necessary to preserve the neoliberal order. which came out of the chicago school, just down the street, i see it from my window, lulu sits next to the transparent glass wall of the power station of it. anyway what is so moving is seeing and hearing the mountain throughout the film, and the slow eruptions of the volcano, and to think of the burning mountains here, and to think it all still goes on, the violence and the corruption of the state, the endless coup d'état, and the truly sublime witness of the mountains and our own deep rooted nature going down and into the earth and the unconscious magnetic springs and coming up with the smoke and the fire and the water rising over and over and over again like paradise regained. the greatest thing about the people is their dissent in the state of power.

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