Thursday, January 23, 2020

this tangible joy, this open space, waterland, snowscape, sledding hill, dog run, angel making skating pond, this open space of joy. we were so happy here.
this is the open space the obomba's want to change to suit their plans in the confiscation of jackson park and their gentrification of the neighborhood in the hopes of making the southside an international hub for tourism and conventions and pro golf tours. this is the sledding hill michelle obomba said didn't exist where they wanted to build their multilevel parking garage. we know the precedent, we know the ex-president, we know about imminent domain, and imminent displacement, we know about the free market of force, we know about eviction, we know the democracy of wealth, we know how much land has been stolen, from the beginning of the conquest of the continent. this is still an open space, and all the things that can happen in an open space, and this is our neighborhood, while the obomba's neighborhood is martha's vineyard, barak obomba has made it, he's in with the elite crowd. they don't live here—they want to steal this special place, they want to build their corporate colossus in the people's park.
we live in capitalism. it's power seems inescapable. so did the divine right of kings.

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