Tuesday, January 28, 2020

i live. it was very hard to concentrate today. there were obstacles popping up all the way. it was difficult to think of all the objects that might be impending with my sleepy brain and the objects presently impending, including two autopilots who nearly knocked me. one was parked by the curb and instantly blowing through the stop sign blowing through me yelling what the fuck you doing? my hale fuck off! swirled like carbonized anger in her sports utility wake. then by the school, with a crossing guard, a phoning autopilot threatened me witlessly and waved with his device sorey. but i live and i'm back in bed with a snow white bear cat. and i got six new moodies from the liberry. 
i still can't believe the sick fuck trump is president, i know it's such a cliche already, but that's incredible too! that the sick fuck trump is just the latest deadly routine! the vile buffoonery of power! business as usual.

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