Thursday, January 30, 2020

at the end of the hilde and comet walk i found a bible. hilde barfed and tried to eat her barf again. i rolled the head of a snowman over to cover her barf. she tried to eat the head and the barf. we left.
we took some pictures with the bible and a giant black iron jack (pictures to follow).
i got lulu, went to the midway and put the bible in the stick hands of the snowman falulu. and it was good. when we started back a craggy fellow was crossing the midway south-east perpendicularly holding an auto club and a big ole lug wrench. lulu started toward him playfully. he said keep that beast away from me. i've been saved by god, he said. i'm a phd. i will kill the beast. i said if you touch this dog i will kill you, i swear to god. he continued threatening and i got lulu secured and he walked back to where his car was parked on midway facing west. he sat a spell while i wrote down his license plate number. idle know what i would do with it but i got it. so, today started with my horoscope, respect yourself, then the grim catholic boy, then the hilde barf, the snowman's head, then the bible, then the snowman and the bible, then the born again psychopath threatening to kill lulu. one more walk, no bible this time, we want no wrath, we walk in peace. 
post dat. mister got his staples out and we did have a blissfully peaceful walk. we met coco, a little tiny thing who got skeered and started to cross the street but i said he's ok, he's big but he's sweet, and she came over and saw, we come in peace.

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