Friday, January 24, 2020

mister & snowbunny.

i was going to get jen to walk with mister this afternoon because i was so tired from the harrowing this past week, hey, it's past!, but jen said her intuition said i should do it and as the wraparound fog was almost beckoning me to wooded island without a dog i said you are right i go get mister and she was right she's an intuitive thank you i did need to see mister again already and make sure he was good and he was real good he was perky and enjoyed eating a snowbunny, sorry kid, it was melting in the dripping fog anyway, and he even ran down the gangway he loves to run tunnels and gangways, and did the stairs himself, with my hand resting lightly on his behind more for encouragement and security than pushing. it went from fog to rain and back again.

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