Sunday, December 19, 2021

does chronology matter, not really, it's like dreams remembering and forgetting it's not deliberate necessarily what matters anyway is you're here and i'm here and the dog's been walked as good as good can be, and we're back home safe not on the road, not lost, just a welter of feelings, not chaos per se. my old puter big surly is going poof and deleted my attempt at chronology this morning post here where it does not matter not really. that carving on the pier d+r 15 was a year before we started up, and the pier jesus saves is since mister passed. what if we never could save the park or anything? still just living we fight resignation to live true in the space we came to live and not have assholes tell us what the park is for even though it's gone it's still love that makes it turn that turns us on.

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