Friday, April 23, 2021

 how do people write poems? i'm amazed by that. that someone could sit down and write a poem. do some people have a well inside? i guess it's silly to ask. if a person becomes a poet it's probably just what they do. i can say i'm a dogwalker, i don't know if it's what i am or just what i do. would it make a difference if i wrote poems? i don't think it matters what you do or if you even have something to show for it as much as feeling like you are what you are and the inner and outer meet. i feel this emptiness sometimes and i know it could be peaceful or sad, and knowing i've felt it before i can feel a fullness occasionally and it comes from within the emptiness, the emptiness is still there like a vessel. but sometimes i feel like i want to write a poem and i don't know how.

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