Thursday, March 26, 2020

woke up at 3, anxious about shopping. i remember i used to get anxious about stores and it was social anxiety. now it's viral anxiety. i still don't like crowds. anyway we could have got it all delivered. i thought i could test the aisles and work with my anxiety. i wish the virus and my anxiety would abate.
later i had a dream. it seemed we were in italy in a coastal town. i was walking mister along 
a wharf. he was walking beside me with a channel of water between us and i thought he might jump in to get to me, then he crossed over a section in front of me and dove in the harbor under the boat dock. there were people on the steps and a girl said are you doug? and i faintly recognized her but couldn't place her in this unfamiliar place. she said you're the guy who found the skull? oh yeah, that's me, i said, and we smiled about the skull, alive, the skull smile.

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