Friday, March 27, 2020

don't pray to saint corona, she won't help you, she's the saint of treasure seekers, like the thief in chief. well, come to think of it maybe the sick fuck trump did pray to her, and the lord of misrule knows he's been endowed with great treasure—he's looting the world! you know he's as christian as the tweeting day is long (and it never ends) and he preys to fill the churches with his rich rich überchristian friends, but they better hide the gold relics, 'cause the thief in chief will sure as shooting steal them. you know as the immemorial trope goes, there's no honor among thieves, as the church well knows. maybe the sick fuck trump will go there and kiss the slab in aachen where she lay. she was only 16 when she was martyred between two palm trees, a sexy mascot for the death cult, i bet that'll lit the sick fuck's wick.

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