Saturday, June 29, 2019

i'm still thinking about that odd man who said the island is an empty waste. cleaning house i find a note i didn't make use of and couldn't throw away. i don't know what i was thinking about at the time, i barely remember yesterday, even with notes, but it says, 

                 how much of our daily 
                 experience made up of 
                 influenced or a product of 
                 mental distortion. 
                 how much fear is not fear of 
                 anything, just fear. 
                 one thing clear, fear creates fear. 

and the waste stream creates waste. not emptiness, which generates, but waste.
now i think i remember, it was about, or instigated by, witnessing the fear of dogs. i know, they say, well, it's complicated. it's simple if your fear opens up and meets the real dog. anyway, i was thinking of all that man failed to see with his empty eyes thinking only of human utility. all the life in that precious place, our nature sanctuary! full of life. how sad to not see the life that surrounds us, and sadder yet the danger of not protecting what you fail to see. this is the failure of love, of nature, this is the failure of the human spirit that once belonged in the nature we are actively, meanly and ignorantly, destroying.

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