1. What is history? What is said of the study of it?
2. What is said of history, compared with novels and romances?
3. On what is the general taste for history founded? What view
does it afford of human nature?
4. What is a higher use of history? What has it been styled? What
does it add to our own experience?
5. With what does it make us acquainted? From what does it
serve to free the mind?
6. To what class of persons is history indispensable? Of what do
we gain a knowledge by history?
7. What further does history show and teach us?
8. What influence does it have on the character? How does it make vir-
tue appear,- and vice? What does the reader of history learn to con-
ect with true glory?
9. What does history teach us has been often done under the direc-
tion of Providence?
10. Why does a knowledge of history tend to render us contented
with our condition in life?
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