Monday, December 31, 2018

New Beginnings
Ing, the Hero God

this rune is akin to the moon 
the intuitive part of our nature
with its urge toward harmonizing and adjusting
in the sphere of personal relationships.
inguz embodies the need to share, the yearning
to be desired, a search after similarities.

the completion of beginnings is what inguz requires.
receiving it means that you now have the strength
to achieve completion, resolution, from which comes a new beginning.
above all, completion is crucial here.
perhaps a difficult state of mind can be clarified or resolved.
the appearance of this rune indicates that you must fertilize the ground
for your own deliverance.

all things change and we cannot live permanently amid obstructions.
inguz signals your emergence  from a closed, chrysalis state.
as you resolve and clear away the old, you will experience a release
from tension and uncertainty.

you may be required to free yourself from a rut, habit, or relationship;
from some deep cultural or behavioral pattern, some activity
that was quite proper to the self you are leaving behind. 
the time of birth is always a critical one.
movement can involve danger, and yet movement that is timely
leads out of danger.

another of the cycle runes, inguz counsels preparation.
being centered and grounded, freeing yourself 
from all unwanted influences and seeing the humor,
you are indeed prepared to open to the will of heaven
and await your deliverance with calm certainty.
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this is my rune for the new year. another's rune may be like another's dream. i write it 
here so i can embody it. thanks to r. for offering her bag of runes, and her self, to me.


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