Friday, January 9, 2015

it's a mess, but you should see my apartment. i can't do it right. you should see my head! but really googly, it orders them apha beta then it totally scrambles them agin on the blog, into a whole new random order. this is the collective ghost we are navigating, the virtuality.

why are the people disappearing?

and seeing themselves in the screen they say to themselves, Not alone.

she's not convinced, he's not convincing. they stare into the screen as though That was the real world.

the souls have no choice but to ooze into another realm, that is, our world.

there's something very strange going on, under the normal sirens, i'm staying in bed.

right, sorry, it's all hypothetical.

once the system's complete it'll function on its own...and become permanent, in other words, the passage is now open...that's how it looks.

maybe, at first, it started with something really simple.

let's go as far as we can go.

dot matrix digital ghosts no longer faint like they used to be, bodied.

detroit's burning now detroit's the future.

consciousness, spirit, or soul, whatever, overflows the finite, is not contained, we see the container like a ghost.

against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

amusement park.

and it Is the world, they see their ghosts in there moving, and they stare into the screen, rapt.

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