Saturday, September 18, 2021

what does it mean when you look at the clock when it's 9:11? and what does it mean when you look at the clock and it's 12:34? 

i haven't looked for numerological meanings, but i do see 911 and 1234 a lot, and i don't look at the clock a lot. 

911 is said to be a good number indicating you're where you're supposed to be, even if it's across the street from the scorched earth of obamaland.

before 9/11 my number by virtue of it being the number on my favorite green shirt was 11.  9+1+1=11. 

it is said 11 is a gateway to the next phase of your true self. 11 tells your work life and your spiritual life are one. yes, dogs. 

it is also said 911 teaches you to doff the ego mask. woo-hoo, that's easier said than done.  

seeing 1234 means you're ready to declutter and simplify your life.

though many things bad for the body and the earth are being perpetrated on defenseless beings it is said that everything is as it should be. that's the kind of idea that makes you reject the concept of a divine order or believe in the indestructibility of nature.

we know in our belly the system won't save us. in fact it'll eat us alive. we also know in our belly and our worried mind nature is collapsing. we know something will survive if not us.

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