Saturday, April 5, 2014

songs my mother taught me are coming back to me now. does that mean i'm dying?

boy ghost 

isn't it a pity


i cant lose.

if i were small enough, could i be your rider?

it's these days we can't describe

it occurs to me now i didn't say my thought so why am i saying so now without the thought it's some kind of inane mantra. if to observe serves.

talking in my head to a dear bird. it seems like it was before but after all.


life is sleep

more songs about buildings and food

red weather

sasha follow dog speaking dog russian

see the lonely boy on the trash-strewn beach

ships, constellations

so we shall take it the way it is

the tree sings a goat song

there are so many reasons but no reason

those ahead of us will celebrate the death of capitalism 
we kill people all day long (cult of lies)

we'll never know how it was intended to be

dear dubble you aitch pk, why would a deejay use a air horn?

will you come and sing to me?

you know what'll happen

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