Wednesday, June 19, 2024


while i watch the land grab across the street, seeing truckloads of styrofoam blocks used to create an artificial landscape over the wetland, i get to feeling angry, and i look to see how much styrofoam is actually going into the land grab. i'll probably never know, but i read this from rutgers u. 

Going green has become increasingly trendy throughout the nation. From saving plastic bags to replacing plastic water bottles, people have been taking steps to becoming more environmentally aware. The next step is banning polystyrene, better known as Styrofoam, a harmful product still in our society. Due to its commonality, polystyrene has contaminated and effected both the environment and our health. When thrown away as trash, polystyrene cannot biodegrade or breakdown via other means, remaining in the environment for thousands of years. Keep in mind; plastics cover 25-30 percent of space in landfills. Foam polystyrene has been found in water and wind, especially at shores, making up for a considerable amount of marine debris. This also affects animals in the wild, due to broken down bits of polystyrene obstructing their airways, contaminating their resources, and causing cancer and digestive problems.

maybe it's too much to read, but i'm going to read more. 

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