Friday, March 1, 2019

i was glum last night and glum this morning. i took two dramamills to sleep. glum and groggy. i have five walks ahead and have to get out early. i feel bad about being glum for r. i go into a semi-catatonic state. i must pull myself out. i wonder where you get the resources to fend off these states in the first place. 
my feet are still peeling. i'm a little afraid of a relapse. i would be alone this time, as r. has to go to skokie. another thing making me glum: the time of illness, and the time now looming, of apartness.
the fixer of the president, and what an evil farce anyway, that such arch criminals can lead the behemoth corporation america., the fix is in, the fixer says there will be a coup on america if the president is voted out, little doubt, there will be a coup, there has been a coup, there is a coup now.
i'm sorry r. it's not that i don't care. i get stuck in place, i have a hard time being there .
love- d.

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