Saturday, March 30, 2019

dear glenn greenwald

dear glenn, 
i want to tell you how moved i am by your life and work, which comes home to me 
regularly, but particularly so today with the first animal matters. i’m tearing up as i write. 
when i was in college about 1980 i made a film about some pigs that i saw in the woods 
by a farmhouse. they were slim and ecstatic, running and rooting and shimmying 
with the trees. i filmed the farmer who said it was too expensive to feed them, 
so he freed them, and they lived in the woods across the street. 
further down the street was a factory farm run by the agricultural school. they wouldn’t 
let me film, so i just showed the free pigs and put a soundtrack of brian eno that they appeared to be listening and dancing to. 
oh sorry, i ran on, but the thing about learning empathy for animals is so essential 
to learning empathy for ourselves, and to beginning to live in the world sanely and sustainably.
we heard you at rockefeller center, and i hope you come back to hyde park soon. 

we are fighting here to save jackson park now, where trees and wildlife are threatened, 
as well as all the surrounding communities, by obomba and his real estate predator constituents.
thanks again, glenn, always,
doug shaeffer

post dat. haha-- rockefeller center. well, any where glenn g. happens to be is a center.

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