Friday, September 21, 2018

in the window, when the wind moves the leaves, the leaves trembling, the plant dancing. i want to be like this. we feel something is important, at least for a time, this time. we feel this dying of the light. somewhere out there. we've made death a future that never comes. we are moving to it. it's rhythm. dance we can't control, dance we want. to lose. we feel the nothing beyond, is nothing calling? is beyond something important? is this seeking nothing? is nothing seen in this body as light?

living in the world is like a house on fire, all corporeal existence involves pain- who can be at peace? because of understanding this point, we let go of all existences, stop thinking, and seek nothing.  bodhidharma.

seeking nothing is bliss. 
when i'm in the water with the dog i call bodhisattva and the water's lifting me and i'm holding the bodhisattva, i'm held in this nothing. this bliss of equilibrium, grace rising through gravity. i can feel what the bodhidharma means, when i'm held in this body of bliss in nothing. this beyond is here. thought of nothing could be this. body of transcending. this tired body of gravity body of water body of light.
seeking nothing: seeking this element: in this fluid being: in this bodied bliss.

it could be we just want to describe the feeling of being alive, as the feeling mutates with time.

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