when mary writes me about comet, auto-correct says com ed, and i think of the monster electric giant. com ed controls the grid we're in. they say you may have no energy from 8-4, so you can't go swimming cuz you can't dry the dog, so you don't go swimming, and com ed don't come. last week they shut down the elevators for 3 hours friday night so they could not come and maybe you need to walk 15 flights anyway. com ed works in mysterious ways. alternating current started here in the white city. it was mysterious and cosmic and the whole fabrication burnt down eventually. that took time. anyway that was long ago, like the big bang, gnome sane, like the beginning of creation of the grid of creation. it's all modern now, and up to code, though transformers will explode, and com ed knows. com ed works
in mysterious ways. only com ed knows.
in mysterious ways. only com ed knows.
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