she said he said americans overanalyze everything. it's not that they overanalyze, it's more that they analyze erroneously. they analyze tweets and the dow. they analyze but they don't think. to the things that need care and attention desperately they turn a blind eye.
birds for example. now the corporation makes seeds that kill insects and the birds die.
when mao had his people wave flags to scare and starve the birds in the sky, the insects ate all his precious human grains and thirty million people died. a hell of a plan they say. let's make america gray.
now we have an x-president who once planted the suave notion in the suggestible populace that he was a man of the people, a profit of hope and change, and set out to surveil them, deport the unwanted, and send out drone assassins to control and loot and occupy the people of the hinterlands, and now in his afterlife is set on making the peoples' park and nature sanctuary his private demesne, with a tower of fatal light that will be a beacon at night luring songbirds to their death. and all around the people represented as his people to gain the jewel of their common park will be gentrified out of their habitat, scattered like dazed animals, like clipped and flightless birds. birds of extinction.
but perhaps i overanalyze. perhaps overanalysis is when you cry over done deals, or count the bodies of those that fell in the time of hope and change.
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