Friday, December 1, 2017

talkin bout soul. we gone keep talkin bout soul because that's the only thing there is. they wanna turn us all into robots but we still be animals we still got some brains and we still got soul. you can't bury soul forever even in global technology there will be anarchy. there can't be absolute power look at history we've seen the death of so many gods, these latest tyrants may think they can upload their souls when the collapse comes but you cant do shit without bodies in nature i don't care how rich you is.
kumar said this morning some lady said like 30 million people now alive have no souls. still that leaves a lot of souls. i myself have thought of the big war and technology lords like trump or obama as having no souls nor masterplan. 
b. says she doesn't believe in evil and i say you don't need to believe in it for it is. she doesn't believe there's a devil or a god, ok, there's no devil god, still we got evil, it's just humanist. humans over all the rest of creatures, and some humans over others.  but not to feel your own soul or the spirit of nature nor the mystery that seems so apparent, that is just unspeakably sad. and i wonder how common that is, is that the status quo in the technological reality we increasingly inhabit? that there is no soul? that may be what brings about the collapse more than corporate wars and pesticides. just ordinary human evil that doesn't believe it exists and existence in the denatured landscape of beggared soul.

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