Thursday, May 25, 2017

i was going to wait, and say it with the pointers picture tomorrow, because this involves them, but they don't know it, and it can't wait. 

we were playing on the playground and about twelve children joined in. we were have a good time until a hater in the guise of playground enforcer came and asked me to put the dogs on a leash. i said no, and she threatened me with the law. i said i will go over there, sorry kids, and you can mind your own business. we are doing no harm, and we can all share the park. 

we went to our little corner by the infant playlot. and i was sad, but we did what we naturally do. and the law apparently was not called, or ignored the call. 

kids, you will encounter, and i hope say no to, haters in your life. haters are the ones who would control you and trouble your natural freedom. they are the ones who comprise these disunited states i have come to think of as synonymous with hate- the disunited hates. if you say no you may have trouble, you may face the law, but you will feel the justice of doing the right thing, the free thing, that comes natural, when you do it naturally, responsibly, with love. please don't get lost in hate. please play among the forces that be around you, please love dogs and freedom, and please don't let the haters make you hate. question authority that makes no common sense, question rules that mean no good.

it starts on the playground. play. make sanctuary where the haters would make dominion.


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