Saturday, February 18, 2017

we gotta impeach the peach-headed donnie john. this has gone on long enough. what's it been-a month? a month too long. he's had enough fun at the world's expense. give the boy a dunce cap and a tv show. take away his carte blanche. sure, america has some self-respect and reason.

it won't solve the fait accompli of corporate democracy, but impeaching the portapotty king is a doggone good start.

the impeach donnie john now grassroots campaign petition now has 860,000 signatures, and like every other poll or statistic, they didn't even ask me or anyone i know, so there are mos def millions more. doggone that donnie john, let's impeach the mofo, now- not after hell really breaks loose. let's nip this nitwit in the bud! come on!

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