Sunday, February 26, 2017

when i began meditating on the concept of the beauty of matter, i was immediately struck by the neglect of the material cause in aesthetic philosophy. in particular it seemed to me that the individualizing power of matter had been underestimated. why does everyone always associate the notion of the individual with form? is there not an individuality in depth that makes matter a totality, even in its smallest divisions? meditated upon from the perspective of its depth matter is the very principle that can dissociate itself from forms. it is not the simple absence of formal activity . it remains itself despite all distortion and division. moreover, matter may be given value in two ways : by deepening or by elevating. deepening makes it seem unfathomable, like a mystery. elevation makes it appear to be an inexhaustible force, like a miracle. in both cases, meditation on matter cultivates an open imagination.

gaston bachelard,
water and dreams

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