Saturday, December 24, 2016

i had other things to say and i'm running late but now i have to say what is most in mind today i felt the strong presence of evil before i saw it and even before i felt it clearly, i was talking and suddenly felt i had to go to move on to the island and then i saw it, she said your dog should be on a leash and i felt the wave of nausea and anger and said shut up, and then you dumb bitch. she said some other evil bit and went on and then by my bird friends turned back and was perhaps ready to harass me again but went on. i may have provoked more evil but i've met this evil trio, for there are  always the three, a family of evil, and evil triumvirate, a family virus, an intensely loathsome and restive disease that is not uncommon her in the land of freedom and control and force.
part two. that evil trumpvirate stayed with me hours but i kept on processing, helped by the knowledge that others who were not even involved, especially my bird girl, had the same visceral reaction to this dog hater. i realized the sick little family simply radiates hate, and i've encountered it for years, and i had to bounce it back on her today or it would have festered in me like it does in their three crippled souls.  

no picture, it is dead slow here. got to meet the harry o. met harry o. who finds me a little too intense but is my good bosom friend. thanks harry!

we talked a lot about evil and instinct and how fear constellates, but also how love makes the truer life giving constellations that also radiate. you see it in smiling eyes, you see love even in pain, even in a land largely predicated on brutal competition, on hate and war. you see how love is survival, how the instinct lights up in love given the merest glimpse. i felt it today several times over the hateful encounter this morning, but it takes a lot of love, and it's going to take more and more if we are to survive the hate. may we all find a way, our own instinctive way, to love, to constellate love like birthing stars.

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