Friday, August 14, 2015

drop the government and focus on the people. thieves of state. (we may still die, but we will know the true enemy.)

epiphanies, once they hit, seem so obvious.

many of the bad things that happened at ground level could be traced to the top redacted. an extraordinary rendition plays over and over in the concentration camps.

we send corrupt armies to guarantee there is corruption, the message is clear, submit to foreign control or die for homeland security state america. by the way it's a noble death, to die for capital.

schubert impromptus.

silence is approval.

sweet side, lucinda williams. she sings about a damaged man who she loves. she's seen his sweet side.

they talk of willful blindness and pervasive corruption, but not of brutal occupation. they beat and torture and rape and steal and kill, but they want the slaves to behave?

but violent order will never be peace, no matter how many drones are employed, there will never be peace or democracy in a violent occupation.

we just have to hope against hope. feckless.

when you see war planes scoring the sky you know we too are under violent control.

young hearts, to your self be true.

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