Sunday, September 14, 2014

wee green beetle basking on a stone on a sunny beach. 
she started harassing me from across the avenue with her snarling beast.

shock of awakening 

have the beavers been poisoned off the island? they're roaming the lakefront now.

the heart path 
wild woods 
dad's tree on drugs

we are in deep shit. 
i sing the forest electric. 
folding flower path blocking dwarf poisoner levy 
i drop down and wait and he comes back and i chase him some more

how are you going to feel. 
i say i gotta go get barn and copp gets all excited so i take him and we find him thus.

wake him up i say.

i tell mister not to eat anything on the poison path. 
i wonder what became of the rainbow rascals. 
i'm reading a book about a girl who fights in the civil war and someones's knickers are described as pure as a cloud. 
is it time yet. 
is it time.

little black suns.

he gingerly wakes him with a touch of his nose to his paw.

on the path with heart with mister 
oy oy mein gott. i was thinking i am a jew because the rest is really diluted and doesn't add up to any identity, yet i would not practice being a jew. 
pet trees. i pet the trees. i know they aren't my pets. 
copp and pet trees. pets at large.

please retrieve me if i go too far 

bike pants loaded with surf and sand

sneek peek of a.d.

so rare as not to exist. 
sorry young dude to startle you.

scanning my eyes over the dunes for the evil dog and bitch i pause to appreciate these loaded shorts.

their ways are not natural or they're natural but they're poison. 
there's like this limestone and pylon spine along the lake with tidepools and private places. the new parts are like army corps prison compound walls. but the lake will always be wild.  
so i try to ignore the bitch but she actually pursues me so i get increasingly angrier and verbally repel her but she seems to suck it in, a puff adder,  and get crazier finally running snarling as her own beast through the underpass, pulling something out of her pocket. i say This is how you walk your dog! and light out for the beach.

he's my baby.

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