Thursday, September 25, 2014

We have run out, though the urge to subdue still remains. Jonathan Rosen, The Life of the Skies

all you have to do is reverse the trend. that'd mean the world to the world. stop pumping poison into the water stop blasting poison into the earth stop blowing poison into the sky. 

castoff, castaway.

cloud diary. i stuttered clouds today.

dog is love.

for u.

here we go again with obomba's chiraq. savage. some researchers speculate that between a third and a half the people on earth now have toxoplasma in the brain. this might explain our savagery. mass control of primitive drives by a brilliant bacteria. or is it still simple murderous greed? the most murderous and avaricious could be the human's most infected with toxoplasma gondii. what the hell, it's just interesting, it doesn't really matter why, the fact is we have relinquished control to criminals.

i suppos ur rong but you dont haf 2 glote abut it.

i think the odds technology will save people are less than the odds technology will kill them though the odds wont stop them buying the lottery.

i was imprinted with anxiety. i had to learn to relax.

i'm embarrassed over what i said to jeff buckley and i'm sad that he died.

it's not a farce when it's genocide obomba.

light-bellied dew sipper.

wave- carved limestone waterbeds.

lonely window.

love stalker.

or am i just goin' crazy.

put your fingers in the sky. wave them like anemones.

shake it like a polaroid pitcha.

sweet stuttering clouds.

swing your legba.

the flipside is now.

the greatest dog of earthsea.

two of kind.

we are exponential now, stretched thin, nothing but surface tension and rage, conquered.

we had the world by the balls when we were seven.

we have fewer genes than plants but our genes morph. they also get hijacked.

what kind of values?, moral!?, hahaha.

who was that said i'm never gonna leave. oh it doesn't matter.

you don't have to pray to god.

                 you give yourself away.

you have the right to say what you want, as long as it doesn't matter what you say.

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