Tuesday, July 26, 2022

 it's always been difficult for me to organize thoughts, that's why by and large i haven't, or i tried to write a poem. what was i going to say? the next line. when i collaged words i did so in a i ching cagean way, whatever letter my tweezers seized upon, and suddenly words formed making cryptic sense. i picked up sorrowland, a science fiction gothic. that made me think of the obamachron, in the background (in the foreground is breath), and i saw this post about the prophets of america, this dude that started a hollow earth cult, said god told him, thou art chosen to redeem the race, and i thought of the obamachron, again in the back of my mind, around the amygdala, where such thoughts swirl and spark occasionally. i saw this greedy monopoly man and lol i thought of obama again! what a cracker. there's something i can't organize that's in my head, in my corpus callosum, on a suspension bridge, holding on to the ropes. it's getting too long, i'm getting anxious, sorry sorry, i'll stop i can't finish it.

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