Monday, April 18, 2022

 i was watching a show about the obamachron and someone was speaking with exasperation about how we have no say in what happens to our parks, in fact, they can simply be taken from under our feet. i think about how mad that can make us, though it's always been that way. if you still love the obomba after all he's done for you, lucky you. can't stop them anyway. and biden time, there again, we have no say. bombs away. if you love bombs you're in business. love, america. love the gun, love the bomb. we dropped the mother of all bombs on afghanistan, but love this, putin's got the father of all bombs. if you love privatization, golf courses, bombs for oil and empire, gentrification bombs back home, these guys are your guys. the public good, take it away, the rogue government rules the day.

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