Monday, April 1, 2019

some people say freedom is a hard thing for a dog
to understand, it's too abstract, they need the tug of the leash 
to remind them of the hard facts they don't understand.
freedom, sigh.
some dogs never learn. but some dogs know it in their bones,
it's not abstract at all,
if you know what it means.
and some people know it too, and the lucky ones find corresponding dogs. 
freedom corresponds to freedom.
a good thing about dogs is though even if they don't understand 
what freedom means, they're not going to pick up a gun and start killing people,
for lies or hate or fun or money, in my experience
dogs have more sense than that, you couldn't pay them to kill. they would tell you 
if they could, that ain't free, that's just plain stupidity.

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