Thursday, February 21, 2019

mister is soul happy to be up here in r vista home. is good light and cool cats up here. delighted to find his cat scented bed awaiting and his orange ball.

 jasper, on the other paw, was puffy, but he soon smoothed out 

 jay lay under my bike where he likes and he can see us at the table and mister settling in.
and penny remembers, he's a dog with her color who came once before and brought her her toy, which was not the mouse she prefers.
there's a sadness to change that shows in the body that's part of life, and the body smiles, effable. on maria wulf's site there's a link to pictures of vulvas r points out, and i'm reminded of a show in the building where i had my first show like that of myriad vulvas, and it was beautiful, but also a little sad. i would have said ineffably. but this morning i think, why do we always say ineffably sad, when we might very well say effably. why is the effable so rare. i think it isn't, just the word became ineffable.
i think the thing is to render the ineffable in words and pictures, or hints and suggestions from the sustained periphery.

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