Sunday, April 29, 2018


r. speculated the large poles round the driving range are remnants of the nike missile site.
the trees around the edges are haunted and contorted, they push and crush the fence in places. there is an aura about this place that feels like deep gravity, a downward pull, and a liminal radiation, an ill effect between strata, between times, a toxic past haunting a precarious present. there's a dark here obomba's illuminated tower will only radiate more hauntingly.

n.b.  i might be wrong about that. it might be high because it's a driving range. -r.
yeah, it may be to keep balls from striking autopilots on l.s.d. rather than to keep people away from a stupid missile. still and all, it's a toxic doom-riddled, haunted plot, by golfers and evil nuclear warlords and the looming imperial spectre of obomba alike.  -r.& d.

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