Wednesday, August 23, 2017

yogatrump was back yesterday. i was glad i talked with darryl about him as he knew about him too. this morning k. laughed at "yogatrump" said he doesn't think about trump too much, says there are people though who want to fuck you up and for whom it is a game. like trump, i say. 
well we passed by yogatrump coming and going and i felt better knowing he's there yet  shunned. his platform was washed by waves today, empty of hate. i realized hate was rising like the water, yet the water is the antidote to hate. unless you are a hater and cannot be helped unless somehow awakened as perhaps the eclipse did for some. ha, you think, slim chance. well we need slim chance now. 
k. said the power provides guarantees that are guaranteed to be the worst for people and every living thing. the true option of power is nihilistic, and they are too drugged by their own power to know. yet nature knows the lies of the mind, and as the water rises it reaches the driven, on the drive. we stand on the beach this morning, cars roaring by. power can keep them chained to the wheel, but when power collapses of it's own ignorant weight, as the water rises, even america will swim. 
what is the relation of money and hate? the rule of america is hate. yet k. says it's all manufactured, even time, the media are the bellows of manufactured hate. the default mode, the natural mode, is cooperation, love, and peace. power wants to destroy that natural capacity. to what end, death. 
the hate is rising, as in america, so in the world, and the water, the water of everywhere, is rising too. 
everybody swim.

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