Monday, August 28, 2017

what if there were only haters in this country? what if they had a hate rally and only haters showed up? would they just give up and go home, their guns between their legs? or would it turn into a love fest? if they love to hate and there are only haters to hate would they further disintegrate into total chaos and start killing each other, or would they start to fall in love?

are there ever any love rallies in this country? there was a summer of love, but i was only seven and i was stuck in the godforsaken midwest and i couldn't make the scene. and that was maybe just a moment in golden gate park in the midst of another american-made war.
was it real or a slogan, we bring good things to life, things go better with coke, make love not war. was it just a summer of drugs? but we always make war. and where is the love? could there ever be a summer of love in this sad country? isn't hate the american way? i can understand how hate inspires hate, but where is the love? what would inspire love here, in this bottomless country, this bottomless foundation of hate, where is the love in the american way of hate.

then i look down and he looks up and says here and i say oh, there is the love, it's mister love, trotting along by my side.

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