Friday, February 27, 2015

an extra walk with thee, barney tilrock.

barney tilrock and copper roy

the rise and fall of great powers (is a book that calls you inside and breathes and expands around you, a book that lives).

comet curved (all drawings by pmfitzgerald with apologies for slob photos).

coppernicus in flurries


fen hastens down the alleyway

fen looks back in anguish

fen stud.

focal pointers

love between dogs and trees

glbo (god love barak obomba).

generations of touch

princess huntress

the art of the lanky sinewy casually graceful strut.

barney tilrock, always on time.

copp reads the trees for weather.

the humblist of kings.

tho he was savagely attacked there, he always returns.

whenever she talked it was in my ear like a phone, and when she phoned it breathed with her voice.

why do people live in chicago, it should be only ghosts living up in here.

the race is over, and the sun crowns winnie.

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