Saturday, November 8, 2014

the island felt melancholy this morning, though copp was ecstatic seeing his audubon girl pat and scarfing all her treats. i almost always smile and laugh when i'm with mister even melancholy. we said we would meet again next week and share more treats and take pictures until the island is gone, or transmogrified, or whatever it is the army corps, who never frequent the place, do to it. we vowed to bear witness even if we are blocked access, even to sadly record the flight of the animals. i too pictures, i saw in generalized fashion, but my eye wasn't keen. sure something will turn up here tomorrow even if it bloweth.

a bone doesn't know how hard you tried, but a bone knows it was worth while.

a bone may soften the edges of difficult, nay ossified, thought, soften the air around it, let you enter.

a bone may look at you, softly intent.

a bone may seem to pray, or think deep, or ready to dive.

a bone tried too, and its existence is evidential.

                                and a bone is spiritual.

and mordant mutters, there was no truth, there were lies, and bones lucky to no longer have to support the liars.

and think without living pressure what it was all about

because the bone has an afterlife because death reveals it.

because bones are the alpha and the beta.

for renee and raineth where are they

something about the horizon doesnt match up

yes, i say, i got a new bone.

missing ian 
i put some milkweed seed around the bone and it immediately flew away, shrugging off  adornment and conceit. ha.

i thought this could be a sculpture 50 feet tall.

i don't want the last word.

bone meditations.

leaving ian.

magic is posed to protect you.

the dream tried to change

the face that was hidden was the true 

i was born hiding

this they have in common with books

why do i attempt to speak through bones

and why would a bone have two faces.
and why do i still be mute

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