Wednesday, November 26, 2014

dharma dunes. erodium, all the comforts, a free soul stuck, area x., and dance in light, tanksgiving, au revoir birdy, skulletons and blue ghostlets, fang, fidelio, crystal falls, crystal peaks, floating grass widow, fun sky, furrr, halo healium, hi burn nation, highlights, homeland kith kill kin, hurrell, he's so forthright! he thinks hurrah! he writes hurrah!, i have no pride, image fire, in dreams i walk with you, jackie Coogan was uncle fester?!, kiarostami and the kid, after the longest time of darkness a weak grey light, meadow lane, mine dreader, miss pinkowits, missed you like mischief, mysteries of love come clean, olden style, on the beat, orphan asylum, pattern reconition sp, provend, root clock, the mysteries of love without love, why are they indifferent, splendour, strains, subs, strata, the need for patterns the need for control, chaos, the waves will carry us, the way the story was told silently, there's just that moment you've gone too far and you are born up and you saw it coming, sky walk, sky walk, to sea, to sea, tractless, tube, want to do good things, want to do more, what we craved come true, winter trunks, lay waste, wolfy, you have to see it again sans titre.

i graduated willowbrook high in 1978, and i was high, in the parking lot in my red ford fairlane, in a cannibis cloud of unknowing. but was i lucky? that's a trick question. let's just say i was.

it just dawned on me i thought the divine google was scrambling my image walk when the divine g was only alphabetizing, duh. what a noogie. maybe i can think about that in the amorphous future tense.

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