Sunday, November 23, 2014

relaxing position, 69 down to 66, more my speed, like spooning, and you can do it with dogs.

after the purple pimpernickel i try to relax my tunmmy

as fast as a song you try to slow down

bark barn

barney and me.

barney couldn't get up today, and pooped where he lay.

boom! and all the irony gone! and all i see is purple!

but the racoon is not sad though it's me


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copp softly pads up to thorny oracle


summer flashback, for livia

and for livia

and her gift.

grandma said everyone has mental problems today or at least i say grandma says

grownups seem to be incapable of telling the truth, so i will refrain from telling the truth to grownups, though i be deemed childish, and to eat what i want, and to never appear grown up.

i come to believe the greatest evil is stupidity

but wait, i am evil for walking my dog off the leash

i was born in the nuthouse

i was often persuaded, while i read, that this possible or ideal reader was someone long dead.

i wept today

at the childrens music recital.


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in the basement was a swimming pool. last night i dreamed three movies for julia roberts.



it's easy not to breathe

intuition gets settled

kid, my precious kid



religion of fear into love

sad love

sad love

save me from the world imposed on this world

something was missing. then i knew it was my breath. they say that's the most natural thing about dying.

thank you mom for life. damn.

the dwarf poisoner?

coming back from death the survivor is told to forget about it

the survivor is told to forget if she is to survive

it could be a different place, not even a what if

their brains did not get enough air so they're often always in a bad mood and rarely wear purple.                                   the purple apopleptic haters.

then we grow up and we're full of excuses

there are people who make drones for a living.

twiggy crosses

legatee weeds on missile meadow

white crow skater

you know what. what. you know what. whaat. the impossible is actually easy. it's easier that the possible because if it's impossible you don't need to do it. you're a smart kid.

you may be branded a lunatic. you may be dejected in the asylum.

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