Thursday, November 27, 2014

and now it is thanksgiving again at last i finally have excused myself for a higher cause than engorgement, i am with the terriers, who give thanks to me. alongside the news of the spectacular success of our war on terror the news bite that opium production in the former afghanistan rose a butterball 51% in 2013! this may be the biggest increase since we invaded and gleeful wall street soared! we have many blessings in america and many reasons to be thankful.

it's not true at all what you don't know can't hurt you. that's such bullshit. this is the kind of blithe and ubiquitous lie we are weaned on and grow decrepit on in america. calculated i suppose to keep you focused on your shopping list and your boob tube and not worrying about the terror state. passed the mashed taters, maw! i mean please pass the mashed taters, maw.

after we got inured to the 100% guarantee failing we looked in fondest hope to the gleaming promise of the 110% directly we grew vaguely dissatisfied. was there not more to be gleaned from the democracy of capital? were we doomed to fail forever up?


candy soul creature

candy trash mountain

cloud diary strata

dog whistle. i found a Dog Off in harold washington park. i pressed a button and it sang a bird trill to copp's delight. but when i got it home it howled like an electronic banshee and i had to disable it.

fin de pop siecle

gingko berries ferment

gun shy series

happy morning

historical sociey

memory loss. think of sally mann. she has no memory, like the land. she has to make memory.

why patterns


no one is left in the thug house. or they are stricken with silence. i'd like to think i had worked voodoo on the thugs, but my mojo is weak outside my mind.

tree opening

wherein animals climb the tower tunnel to the branches

opium dream. where does all the opium go?

portrait of a love

portrait of my love. i can't get enough of my mister.

research spy


retrouve. i get a kick out of you, alpha beta.

rock of ages 1978 cleft for me

rustle the leaves

sansno bunny lief

septimus twinkleton


stranger in an open society with free speech and all the amenities

striations sinews and tensile points of light

i once saw a two headed calf. it might have been a sacred cow of ambivalence, had it survived, but alas it was pickled.

to ground

vertical horizon

we called it a tower, but in fact it was going down.

we were told democracy

who fart in heaven.

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