Friday, September 20, 2024


we especially as black folk have been offered this perennial corrupt compromise, that if we participate in brutality and imperialism against other people, we will be given our fair share of the spoils. there has been an effort, since the beginning, to weaponize blackness in this way. our pious ancestors, our righteous ancestors, our freedom-minded ancestors, were striving for better than this. there is no compelling argument that allows you to positively affirm a genocide, and as soon as the missiles stop flying, and international observers go in, they will find an auschwitz every two blocks in gaza, and anyone who ever aided, or abetted, or provided cover, will become if not a war criminal in fact, they will become a moral war criminal in principle. so there is no voting for people that would do these things. that will not be persuasive. to the hard-hearted people that think that it's ok for the united states to do whatever it wants to to other people in other places, and just understand this is not just the genocide that we're funding, it's our genocide, because without american arms and munitions, there is no israel, much less a genocide in palestine. but, this is the point that people will hopefully understand, and i'll go back to what james baldwin said to angela davis, if i don't support you, if they come for you in the morning, they'll come for me in the afternoon, right, if you let them get away with this, a genocide in public, just trust, americans, that it is coming soon to a concentration camp near you. there is a reason why they have been lining up these cop cities and these fascists to come knock kids heads open on campuses. it is because they are preparing themselves to squash any and all dissent, and while team blue is fear-mongering you about trump, and the looming specter of fascism, fascism is here under the team blue, right now. if you do not resist it, then you are complicit in it. you have it within your capacity right now, to vote against genocide, against fascism, to vote for reparations, to vote for land back.  

butch ware

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